Thursday, April 20, 2006

Categorical denial

They said there were no categories on Blogger... (and they were right). So I had a wee think about it, and now there are! Sort of, anyway!

I thought about writing special index pages of my own, neatly categorised. I wasn't sure where I'd host them though. Then I had a better idea - why not add categories to the main page by messing with the template? I could use css styles (like "display:none") to hide the "irrelevant" articles from the categories that are not required, and JavaScript to change the styles around when the blog mode changes.

So I messed a bit with the template, and now you can pick the category of blog you wished I'd write, and ignore all the rubbish I write on other subjects. I've even used cookies to remember from one visit to the next what you want to see, and what you'd rather ignore.

Assigning a category to a new article is still manual, but I'm thinking about that too...

For now, if you want to know how it works, RTFS (read the source, Luke).


Flaming Firegeni said...

Categorical Geek that was.

Me gasps and chokes. Goes glaze eyed. Worries. Coughs.

Then breathes sigh of releif. I don't NEED to understand Geek. Is optional.

Mara said...

Grreat reading this