Website Assassinated
The Register reports that the Sri Lankan Army's site was "assassinated" by pro Tamil Tiger hackers. Apparently they put "horrible and gruesome images" up instead! The hackers were accused of terrorism.
One commenter at the Register cut through the claim and counter claim:
Let's hope the "horrible and gruesome images" are quickly replaced with the images of picnics and children playing with puppies usually associate with the ongoing artillery barrages upon concentrations of civilians and land wars in Asia in general.Could it be that the images the hackers added reflected the "horrible and gruesome" reality of war?
- TW Burger
By all accounts both sides have perpetrated horror and grue in huge amounts.
Here is a UN report on the effects of the Army shelling [large 13M pdf document] - published then un-published, apparently because they thought it might damage dialogue with the government. The SL Army accuse the Tamil Tigers of firing at them from the civilian safe zones. The Tamil Tigers have also recruited child soldiers, and fired on civilians who try to leave the conflict area. Of course, when the civilians at last manage to escape they are concentrated into camps with inadequate provisions, and no provisions for reuniting families.
In this disaster, as always, civilians suffer dreadfully.
If you're curious, here are some of the gory details from the hacked website:

1 comment:
The night has a thousand eyes,
And the day but one;
Yet the light of the bright world dies
With the dying sun.
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